by Sherrie English | Apr 20, 2021 | Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Operations
One of the biggest challenges advisors face is how to get a concrete result out of an idea or concept in their mind. How do you go from something you think will work to that thing actually becoming part of your business and part of the way you do things? The real...
by Travis Chaney | Jun 2, 2020 | Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Mindset
By Travis ChaneyCEO How’s your pandemic going? As we have coached our clients through the last few weeks, we have noticed a couple of common characteristics that have helped them succeed. Our clients are entrepreneurial high achievers who have already...
by Travis Chaney | Aug 30, 2019 | Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Mindset
This is the final installment of a three-part series by D2 CEO Travis Chaney on attracting ideal clients. HERE ARE SOME QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU BUILD YOUR IDEAL CLIENT PROFILE:Who are the elephants you want to attract?What are the pains your elephants have? How do your...
by Travis Chaney | Aug 20, 2019 | Entrepreneurship, Mindset
This is part of two of a three-part series by Travis Chaney on attracting clients. Read part one here. HOW DO YOU GET RID OF MICE?First, do your best not to take them on as clients. If you begin to attract a nest of them and the symptoms of unproductivitis begin to...
by Travis Chaney | Aug 12, 2019 | Entrepreneurship, Mindset
This is part of one of a three-part series by Travis Chaney on attracting clients. In his book “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership,” John C. Maxwell discusses the Law of the Inner Circle. Simply put, you become who you spend your time with. In business, the same...
by Dynamic Directions | Apr 21, 2017 | Entrepreneurship, Mindset
[This is the second part of a post on characteristics of highly successful entrepreneurs. Click here for Part 1.] 3. High achievers know how to effectively leverage resources. High achievers have learned the best and highest use of their time, talent and resources....