You have created a thriving business, but what happens when you’re ready to move on to the next phase of your life?
It may be hard to imagine now, but a point will come when you’re ready to move on from your financial advisory practice, whether you’re retiring or pursuing another endeavor.
Ensuring your practice will last beyond your lifetime requires planning to recruit and train the next generation of advisors and business owners.
But how do you even start?
Acquisitions Advisory (A2) will guide you to create
A Specialized succession plan that will help to ensure your legacy
Whether the transition is planned or unexpected, we want to help you protect that legacy.
If you’re retiring, the transition will be smooth because you prepared in advance.
In the event of sudden illness or tragedy, everyone around you will know what to do because they can follow the plan.
Does your succession plan include the following:
- Are you recruiting and training the next generation of advisors?
- If not, how will you find the right advisor to take over your practice?
- Have you determined the value of your practice?
- Does your plan include specific strategies to protect that value?
Having a succession plan in place will give you and your team priceless peace of mind.
Just fill in the contact form below to start building your plan!
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Whether you want to buy, sell, or need an agreement, fill in the form below so we can find out what extraordinary means for you.