A Game Plan for Growth

Get your entire team on the same page with a game plan for success. Online, group courses offer the way forward for you and/or your firm.

Achieve new levels of success — together.

    A Team Effort

    Stop drifting. Get everyone to pull an oar to reach your goals. Teach your advisor team how to grow their practice by learning from experts about the mindset and skillset necessary to build an extraordinary life and practice. They’ll work together to match the vision and values of the firm as they grow.

    Not part of a big team and need accountability and motivation?

    Join a group program with other like-minded advisors and find accountability built-in with regular meetings for group instruction, plus break-out mastermind groups.

    Schedule Success

    Get the direction your team needs

    Our online group modules are scheduled to cover everything for everyone in your firm.

    Or join a group of success-minded individuals from other firms for our public group program. It brings accountability and adventure to your learning journey.

    Stay on Course to Reach Your Goals

    Leverage Comprehensive Group Instruction

    Traditional Marketing Course

    If you’re not growing, you’re dying. Marketing to the right audience is critically important for the financial advisory business. We’ll show you how to target your marketing to acquire not just more clients, but better clients through referrals, events, niche marketing, professional alliances, client advocacy boards, and more, including specific sales techniques.

    This course covers:

    • Why Beliefs Matter
    • Referrals
    • Events
    • Niche Marketing
    • Alliances
    • Client Advocacy Boards
    • Catering to Top Shelf Clients
    • Sales

    Get Started Today


    In today’s world, your digital lobby is more important than the physical lobby in your office. We’ll show you how to improve and expand your digital footprint as you create a branded online presence with personality. We’ll cover specific techniques for Facebook, LinkedIn, your website, and email marketing.

    This course covers: 

    • Facebook (Level 1, 2)
    • LinkedIn (Level 1, 2)
    • Ameriprise Website
    • Marketing On Demand 2.0

    Get Started Today

    Client Experience Course

    People will forget what you say and do, but they won’t forget how you make them feel. Client experience is about giving your clients the feeling they are important and special to you.
    We’ll teach you how to position your practice and interpret your value to attract and keep the right clients, how to build a client experience timeline to systematize your process, and how to manage your overall impression. Improving your client experience will naturally lead to more referrals.

    This course covers: 

    • Value Interpretation
    • Build an Amusement Park Exercise
    • Positioning
    • Client Experience Timeline

    Get Started Today

    Excited business people looking at a laptop.

    Find Success – With a Group

    Special Introductory Rate of $497/Month for Group Courses

    Need some help making traditional or digital marketing work for you? Or are you looking to give your clients a better experience? We offer group courses that cover those topics.

    If you’re looking to grow and learn at your own pace, we also offer individual courses.

    Contact us

    What’s the Right direction for You?

    We help financial advisors build an extraordinary life and practice. Fill in the form below so we can find out what extraordinary means for you.
