Turning transactions
into transformations
Buying or selling a financial advisory practice is one of the biggest deals of your life, but it’s not just a transaction – it’s a transformation.
Welcome to Acquisitions Advisory,
The mergers and acquisition division of Dynamic Directions.
From concept to completion, we’re here with strategic merger and acquisitions guidance you can trust.
Do you feel like your head is spinning and you just want to focus on the big picture and let someone else hammer out the details?
D2 can help when:
- You want to grow as fast as possible, so you’re thinking about buying a practice.
- You’re looking to sell all or part of your practice to fit with your strategic plan.
- You want to create a succession plan so you’ll be ready to ensure your legacy no matter what may come.
- You’re looking for nuts-and-bolts legal agreements and entity plans to protect your business.
No need to stress. We’ve got your back.
Here’s our focus:
Ready to build your practice through acquisition? We can help!
Ready to sell your practice?
We can help maximize your profit.
Ready to move on?
We can create a succession plan to ensure your legacy.
Entity and Agreements
We can help with all the important agreements that go along with running your business, including a purchase or sale.
Trusted for More than a Decade
With more than a decade of experience in acquisitions, teaming, continuity, and succession planning, we can guide you through the entire complex process – from the first inkling of an idea to the last signature on a dotted line.
Contact us
What’s the Right direction for You?
Whether you want to buy, sell, or need an agreement, fill in the form below so we can find out what extraordinary means for you.