By Travis Chaney
How’s your pandemic going?
As we have coached our clients through the last few weeks, we have noticed a couple of common characteristics that have helped them succeed. Our clients are entrepreneurial high achievers who have already experienced success, so they have leaned on these traits to help them through a difficult time.
Ours has been a little hectic here at D2 because we coach financial advisors who have been slammed with the recent roller coaster ride of the markets. People are worried about their money right now (with good reason), so our advisors have been working overtime to take care of their clients.
Let’s take a look at two characteristics of these high achievers:
If your company is going to succeed, you have to be ready and willing to change constantly. Wildly successful entrepreneurs maintain a rhythm of constant change. Change works best when it is planned, so once these entrepreneurs decide the direction they want to take, they are bold enough to launch themselves headfirst into the new course.
Many other changes are unplanned (hello, coronavirus!), so as an entrepreneur, you must develop the ability to roll with the punches and adjust on the fly. Stay committed to your vision and plan, but be ready at any time to adapt based on circumstances, new developments, and especially when faced with adversity (you know – those “Oh S#IT!” moments).
Flexibility is an undervalued trait, but a fantastic way to demonstrate your willingness to do what’s necessary to push through to the next level. For example, in the current crisis, advisors have had to adapt to a virtual model of meeting with clients and generating new leads and referrals. Those who are willing to adapt quickly are leading the way.
They can do this because they have thought through the values and principles that define who they are, they know exactly what they want and they are on a well-thought-out path to their goals. As different ideas and strategies emerge, they can quickly decide what to incorporate into their plan and what to leave out.
High achievers are quick to make decisions to start something and slow to move away from the direction they set when their ideas meet challenges. Conversely, lesser achievers are slow to make decisions to start a new initiative and quick to change their mind when faced with challenges.
This is especially true when an uncertain situation like a pandemic arises. High achievers assess the specific circumstances and decide quickly on the best course of action – for example, we immediately began a weekly webinar to provide our clients with best practices for how to get through this crisis. Not only did this give them valuable help, it modeled what they should do themselves.
At the end of the day, motion trumps meditation the majority of the time – so take some kind of action now if you want to earn the status of high achiever.
To schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss this more, fill out the box to the right, email [email protected] or call 270-662-7264.