Christine Emond: 30 Years and 10 Questions

by Dynamic Directions | Jan 21, 2021

Christine Emond, MPASSM, MSFP, BFA™, CRPC®, APMA®, CLTC®
Private Wealth Advisor
Master Planner Advanced Studies
EBA Wealth Strategies, a Private Wealth Advisory Practice

Christine reached 30 years of service with Ameriprise in December of 2020. She is married to her husband Andre and they have two children: Andrew (16) and Monique (14).

Congratulations on 30 years of service. What sticks out to you from that time?

It’s a process. It’s cumulative – do the little things and help people. When I was hired, a senior advisor said, “I won’t know your name for a year.” I got 41 clients that first year and went from there. The biggest thing is that it’s a great occupation for those who care about people. You can make good money, you can help people, you can contribute to something bigger than yourself, you can help your team grow in their lives. I also think that we are fortunate to work for Ameriprise and that coaching has a huge impact on your happiness and success-thanks D2 team.

Why do you like what you do?

I love the wow moments when you see a team member getting something new or helping a client see they’ve arrived. I’m never mentally tired doing what I do because I love helping people.

What advice would you give to someone just starting their career in this field?

Don’t give up – the small things matter, it’s the little things you’ll do that no one else will do. They matter the most over your career. Acknowledging birthdays and simple things like a new pet in the family, or acknowledging your clients’ struggles and helping them, knowing about their family, reaching out to single clients to check in on them, acknowledging an email that comes in on a Saturday.

What else do you remember the most about your career?

I built my practice three times, first in Massachusetts, again when I transferred as a District manager to  the Washington D.C. region, and again when I left management. I made Diamond Ring and I’ve made a commitment to my children that they will see me be in the Hall of Fame. I wanted to show my kids you never stop learning, so I earned my Masters of Science in Financial Planning.

I’ve also been partners with Harvey (Berger) for 22 years. Having a great business partner is something most people never get in their lifetime. I am honored to have him in my life with the support of my family.

What else do you want people to know?

People should always have time in their calendar to take back for themselves and enjoy their career. Fridays are my days. I do pilates, take in a lacrosse match or engage deeper with clients. Keep a demonstrated personal life balance – have fun!

Also spend time mentoring people, helping others and doing community service.

What purchase of under $100 has most positively impacted your life in the last six months?

My Garmin Vivosmart 4. I had no idea how much or little I moved some days.

What is the book you have given most as a gift (or recommended)? Or what are 1-3 books that have greatly influenced your life?

The E-Myth by Michael Garber. For parents and advisors, Mindset by Carol Dweck.

What’s the next thing you want to check off your bucket list?

Watching my kids graduate from college and making the Ameriprise Hall of Fame (they are projected to happen the same year).

What’s a hidden or unusual talent you have?

I know how to juggle.

If you could put up a giant billboard with anything on it, what would it say and why?

A beautiful sunset over the water with the words “Make each day meaningful.”

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