Bullish on Business – July Bonus Episode!

by Dynamic Directions | Jul 26, 2017

We usually take June and July off from the Bullish on Business webinar, but we produced a special July bonus episode to discuss new Asset Allocation requirements from your broker-dealer. We know many of you have concerns about how to implement the new requirements, along with questions about various investment vehicles.
To help you begin to get a handle on this topic, we asked our own D2 Investment Guru Drew Watson how his practice is adapting to the changes. He begins with a short market update before discussing his best practices.
We pre-recorded this episode so it would be available on-demand whenever you have a few minutes – just click here or below to watch!

Bullish on Business is a video subscription series from Dynamic Directions providing on-demand expertise for financial advisors. More than 200 subscribers receive each monthly episode featuring a current market update along with an in-depth look at a specific topic such as Niche Marketing, Tax Savings Ideas, Investment Lineups and more.
Bullish on Business comes out the third week of each month. Join our subscriber list here to receive monthly market updates and recommendations, along with expert advice on the intricacies of running a modern financial office.

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