Money Magnet Marketing: Events (Part 2)

by Dynamic Directions | Jun 22, 2017

In our last post, we looked at the traditional approach to marketing events and why it just doesn’t work. This week, we’re taking at look at the kinds of events that actually produce results …


Most advisors view marketing as a necessary evil as opposed to an opportunity to enjoy themselves, show their clients a good time and funnel the right prospects to events for eventual client conversion. As you saw in the Traditional Client Appreciation Event, the extra work involved, little or no promotion on a one-on-one basis with clients, inviting the wrong clients, investing several thousand dollars with little or no return, and not developing a well thought-out game plan all led to a disastrous outcome. Your marketing does not have to be this painful.

When you put on an event that excites you, you will be willing to take the extra time in a review meeting with one of clients to personally invite them.Your enthusiasm prior to and at the event will be contagious to all those you touch. You will create an event checklist and timeline to guide your team to achieve a successful experience. Your guest speakers will be in harmony with the messages you want to send to your audience. You can simultaneously experience a great time and get results.

The Traditional Client Appreciation Event described above shows you (the advisor) sweating every detail and micro-managing the entire project, but you should not be involved with the details of the event – you should hand all those details over to one of your team members. If you don’t have a team, hire an event planner to manage all of the particulars. Develop check points for each event so you can touch base with whomever is managing the specifics of the project for you. In other words, do not micromanage the event. Use your time to focus your strengths on client relationships to boost attendance.


If you don’t like playing golf, don’t waste any effort on planning a golf outing. Choose and plan outings based on experiences you would attend and enjoy. Consider conducting two large inclusive events per year and as many small exclusive events as you need to meet your revenue and client acquisition goals. The large inclusive events should have universal appeal for your Top-Shelf and Mid-Shelf Client base. These events are also an effective avenue to invite your Top-Shelf Prospects. Because you are trying to appeal to a larger number of clients, the larger events need to carry a broad base of attraction.

For your smaller events, you want to produce first-class exclusive offerings that limit the number of clients and guests who can attend. By limiting the number of participants, you are creating urgency for your clients to reserve their spot as soon as possible. These small venues are most effective when you create an event that appears private and difficult to get into unless clients or guests have an exclusive connection. With planning and effort, you can create marketing events that you enjoy and that bring spectacular results.

Contact Dynamic Directions for a more detailed strategy on how to make this kind of marketing work for you!

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